Learning Blender

At some point, you just gotta jump in.

We have a bunch of new subscribers—thanks for coming everybody!

In The Blend, we break down 1 Blender technique each week in a micro-lesson.

The Blend aims to become the world's #1 Blender newsletter. Enjoy the ride!

Today you get 3 learning tips and 1 art prompt.

Picture of Blender

In case you forgot what Blender looks like

Today's newsletter is short.

Why? Because I'm writing it late and I want to be done.

To the point, then:

How do "they" get so good at Blender? How'd they start? Were they always that good?


Everybody starts out the same.

A blank Blender file and "goodness that's a lot of buttons."

When I started Blending, I was baffled. I barely even knew what the term "3D" meant.

If you're just starting out on your Blender journey, you should know 3 things.

1. Don't give up.

Blender will make your life hard for the first days. Don't give up! Push through. Watch some tutorials. Complete some projects.

It gets way easier once you get the basics down.

2. Don't do hard stuff.

I'm keep trying to do projects far above my level. I advise against this—it never works out. Build up slowly. Do stuff that seems "too easy." Once you're actually doing it, it'll probably be more challenging than you imagined.

3. Don't stop.

Once you start learning, keep learning. Don't put Blender away for more than a few days! Keep everything fresh and clear in your memory.

Make sure you mess with Blender at least 2-3 times each week. Practice the stuff you learn.


Now's probably a great time to...go blend something.

Weekly Prompt

There's a weekly art prompt now. It's a new thing.

> Make some kind of drink. Or potion.

See ya next week!

The Fine Print

Know anybody who likes Blender? They'll probably think you're awesome if you forward them this email.

If someone forwarded this to you, then sign up here—unless you trust them to forward it again next week!

P. S. Have a topic you want covered? I'm always open to new ideas—reply to this email with your suggestions!

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